
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sticky Notes

I have a sticky note I wrote on New Years day 2010 that says, 'Did you change this year?', it's stuck to my wall and I get glance at it whenever I sit at my desk. Which is quite frequent, so the question is always in my head.
When I wrote it, I was planning on taking a more physical attitude to the challenge. Little did I know, I would change who I was.

I have sticky notes stuck everywhere around my room, but there's one in particular that's most special to me. I have it on my wall next to my New Years note and it's the best advice I've been given within this last year. Be strong and do the hard thing. It was written in a letter, that I read whenever I'm feeling down or need advice. Who better to have written that letter than the person who single-handedly caused me to re-think everything about myself. The person I'll gladly blame for allowing me to say, "Yes, I did change this year."

Through honestly, the hardest time of my life to date, that person came storming in with a humble heroic fashion and provided me an example of what I need in my life. I didn't have to prove anything. They were there for me. They asked questions when I would talk to them about my worries and struggles. They'd ask, is that what you want when you're older? I was getting asked about what I wanted rather than having to listen to how it should be. Slowly, but surely, I had a reason to be happy, I had a full life ahead of me to look forward to, because for the first time ever, I could see the possibilities. I know what I want now. So, because of one person and a big heart, I'm different. There's no doubt though that I had influences of all sorts from the people who are in my life today.

I find that trials and adversity comes no matter if the timing is right. It's gonna happen. Chances are, we need it and it's our time to shine. I've learned that more this year than ever before.

We're only given what we can handle, but the most important thing I've learned, is that it's not necessary to endure these struggles alone. I would have never learned that, had it not been for the person who wrote me that letter.

On my last sticky note that I see as I shut my computer off each night, is a quote by David O. McKay - Man's success or failure, happiness or misery, depends upon what he seeks and what he chooses.

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